Elements - System Administrator and User Guide - Hosted
Client Address Maintenance

The Collection Element retains as many client addresses as required for an account. Addresses imported from the core (core maintained) cannot be edited or deleted, but additional addresses can be added as records maintained locally in Elements. 

From the Addresses tab on the workspace, addresses can be created, copied, edited and deleted. An address can also be marked as the default address for the client.

Depending on Security Profile settings, a user may only be able to maintain addresses for loans in their own worklists. If at least one loan is in the users worklist, they are able to maintain all client addresses.

Creating an Address

To create a new address, with the client selected in the Client & Contacts section of the workspace, click  on the Addresses tab. The address screen is displayed.

Enter the new address information and click Save. Click Cancel to disregard creating the address.

If this is the first address record for the client, it is automatically marked as the default address. The default address is listed with an asterisk (*) on the Addresses tab.

Copying an Address

To create a new address based on a copy of an existing address, with the desired client address record selected from the drop-down, click  on the Addresses tab in the workspace. The address screen is displayed. Make any modifications to the address, including adding a description of the address, and click Save. Click Cancel to disregard copying the address.

Editing an Address

To edit an address, with the desired client address record selected from the drop-down, click  on the Addresses tab in the workspace. The address screen is displayed. The client associated with the address is displayed at the top of the screen. Make any modifications to the address and click Save. Click Cancel to disregard any changes.

If the record is core maintained, it cannot be edited.

Setting the Default Address

To set an address as the default for the client, with the desired client address record selected from the drop-down, click  on the Addresses tab in the workspace. The address is updated to display an asterisk (*) in the addresses drop-down.

The address flagged as Default is automatically used when generating correspondence in Elements.
There can only be one default address for a client. Selecting a new default address removes the default flag from another address.

Deleting an Address

To delete an address, with the desired client address record selected from the drop-down, click  on the Addresses tab in the workspace. The address is deleted.

If the record is core maintained, it cannot be deleted.

Archived Addresses

Old, archived addresses are identified by a "+" before the address description.

Address archiving is enabled by a system administrator in System Management > Collection > Default Settings.



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